Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Exploring and discovering

I am so enjoying watching my little man as he goes from a squishy, little, ball of soft, new baby smelling goo to a real, live, person! He has been smiling and cooing now for a couple of weeks (way sooner than my other two, if memory serves). He has SO much to say that he often ends up giving himself the hiccups trying to make his sounds. I have been reading him books and playing with his toys with him putting them in his hands to help him explore the different textures and get used to how to use his little paws. He is so cute when he accidentally bats at the toys that hang down on his bouncy he startles himself. I even think he is trying to roll over! I am just amazed at how quickly he seems to be growing and changing right before my eyes. Everyday is a new adventure and discovery.

He also has grown like a week into a fat little rolly polly butterball! He is nicely fitting into his 3 months clothes almost totally outgrowing the 0-3 mos size. I am debating getting out his 3-6 mos sizes but I just can't make myself go there just yet. He remains the most wonderful little baby. He is gentle and sweet, always a smile and bright eyed gaze for anyone who is near. He seems very curious and social.

The only regret that I have is not doing this sooner. He brings me endless joy no matter how sleep deprived I am. <3

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